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Trademark Registration in Kerala

How to apply for trademark registration in Kerala?

A brand name is a word, image, logo, or name used to recognize a decent or administration. Many companies use this mark for “brand” products, so it’s important to have a valid trademark. In developing markets like India, the need …

Trademark Registration in Kerala

What is the validity period for trademark registration?

Registration of trademark is a recognizable mark, design, or expression that identifies products or services from other specific sources, although the trademark used to identify the services is generally called a service mark. The trademark owner can be an individual, …

Trademark Registration

What are the steps involved in the process of trademark registration in Kerala?

A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that sets it apart from others. This expression can be a word, a slogan, a photograph, a logo, a graphic, a colour combination, a sound or even a …

trademark registration

Advantages of Trademark Registration in Kerala

A trademark Registration is a mark used to differentiate a company’s goods or services in a commercial environment. Trademarks other than trademarks can be registered: logos, descents, geographical indications, collective trademarks, certificates or guaranteed trademarks and rewards. Similar marks of …

Trademark registration in Thiruvanandhapuram ,kerala

IMPORTANCE OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION The trademark registration is the most important aspect after a company is registering. Trademark is an undeniable signing, plan, or explanation which have been perceiving things or organizations of a particular source from those of others. …